Introducing new Le23 on 12th Nov
On premise wine making has become a popular way to economically make wine.
The savings come from two sources the first being tax savings since you are doing the work, and secondly no retail sales markups.
At Nipissing Winery there are many options to choose from, starting with our less expensive traditional wines, to our high quality vineyard specific wines. At Nipissing Winery we will make sure that you get the wine that is right for you. If you need wine for a special occasion, or wine for you own personal consumption, we at Nipissing Winery have the experience and training to help you make the right choices.
Our customers have produced approximately 1 million bottles of wine, and any wine lover will tell you that the best part about this experience is knowing you made the wine yourself, and had a good time doing it. We hope that you find this website helpful and informative.